2 Available Females
Looking to place 2 of our females into forever families, 1 is Clarise, she has led our dog sled team for 1 year and run swing the other...
Puppies Available!!!
Puppies are currently 3-4weeks old, if you are interested in a puppy send a quick with what exactly your looking for in an email to...
Dog Show!!!
Great time at the Dog Show. Kayenta Dogs where in 2 states at once. "Kelvin" showed in CA while the rest of the kennel cleaned the awards...
Meet Clarise!!!
Introducing Clarise!!!! She is almost 18months old and proudly carries herself like a lady. She is training in three different dog...
Taking the dogs for a run!!!
Today we found some snow so got to try the sleds for the first time this season. It was amazing. We went 10 miles and had a great time...